What we're left with, then, is a trivia game that sorta kinda maybe feels a lot like a YDKJ: Music Edition, but fails to deliver the final formula. Sierra, always ready to keep the You Don't Know Jack fire burning, has enlisted computer gameshow pioneers Berkeley Systems to create "the ultimate rock and roll trivia game," though without computer gameshow pioneers/writers/designers Jellyvision. Butt-obsessed teenage rapping or premonition? I'll let you be the judge. no ASS, no backstage PASS." So here I am years later sitting with the game Backstage Pass in front of me. Their biggest hit of the bunch, however, was a certain tune titled after the catchy chorus of "No Ass, No Backstage Pass," which basically went "No ASS, no backstage PASS. Their clumsy freestyle raps filled the back of the bus, most of which I can't repeat, and all of which the entire busload of people tried to ignore. You know how you guys always complain about how at IGN, we take forever to actually get to the review, because we always take so stinking long to actually get to the subject we're talking about? Anyway, so I used to go to vocational in High School (Carpentry), and on the bus on the way home there were always these two guys who were living it: the Two Live Crew dream.